Friends and Family of Nisei Veterans (FFNV) held its annual membership meeting at Morgan Hill Buddhist Community Center on February 14, 2015. About 70 members, guests and friends from Sacramento, Turlock, Fresno and Bay Area as well as South County enjoyed the traditional potluck and always warm camaraderie.

Lawson Sakai, Mas Tsuda and Mas Kadota (all 442 veterans) were recognized for being awarded of the most prestigious French Legion of Honor from the French Consul General on February 3.

The speaker of fascinating background captivated the audience. Lt Commander Goehner served as “frogman” of the elite Navy’s Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) during World War II. The UDT was the original Navy SEAL. Lt Commander Goehner led many “suicide” missions against German Navy. In Hollywood’s Oscar-nominated movie “THE FROGMEN,” Richard Widmark, the lead actor, portrayed Lt Commander Goehner. His account of danger-packed mission against a German submarine base in Baltic Sea was exciting and his story of encountering a German soldier at Normandy was heartwarming.

A short video presentation of the Nisei Veterans’ Exhibit aboard the USS Hornet Museum in Alameda concluded the meeting.

FFNV will next gather on May 16 in Oakland Hills for the annual memorial service If you wish more information about FFNV, please contact Brian Shiroyama at [email protected] or (408) 896-1021.

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